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I just got new tiles laid in my house that were very expensive. I needed to get them sealed but couldn't afford to pay much for it. On the other hand I didn't want to go for a company offering cheap and unreliably services. My boss recommended Tile Cleaners, saying that the company's prices were reasonable and that they offered quality service when he used them. I contacted them and ended up doing a booking with them. It is very pleasant to know that there are companies out there who actually care about providing very high quality services for affordable prices. I gave your contacts to my sister. Thank you for the job you did

Robert Williams, Norman Park, QLD

When I moved into my new house, I was shocked by how dirty and old the tiles in the entire house looked. I wasn't sure if they were supposed to be like that or if they were just really dirty. I decided to call Tile Cleaners and ask them to have a look and tell me what I could do to improve the look of my tiles. Tile Cleaners ® came the same weekend and managed to make my tiles look brand new. They also informed me that the sealer would protect my tiles for years to come. Amazing! Thank you guys! My floor looks gorgeous.

Amanda Burtender, Brighton East, VIC

We got our tiles more than 25 years ago. We were told that we had a solvent sealer on our tiles, which apparently most companies wouldn't be able to strip off. However we rang a couple of places to check them out. No luck. A friend of mine recommended Tile Cleaners. We rang the guys and they agreed to have a look the next day. We decided to go ahead with the job after getting a satisfactory quote. Tile Cleaners team stripped and resealed our old tiles. We are very grateful for your help guys. Thank you again.

Olivia and Andrew Clark, Hornsby, NSW

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Tile Cleaning Pump

Cleaning Sandstone Pavers

We provide specialised cleaning & sealing solutions for Sandstone Stone Pavers

To schedule your appointment or to obtain a free estimate, please Call 1300 771 201 or use our online enquiry form.

We cover all suburbs

We are your specialist service for Sandstone tile & grout cleaning, stripping & sealing. If you need advice on how to clean your old stone floor and tile grout to make it look like new and how best to reseal it so it keeps looking new, or need a professional to do it for you, then you have come to the right place.

What is Sandstone?

Sandstone is a sedimentary rock composed mainly of sand-sized minerals or rock grains, including quartz, calcite, gypsum or various iron compounds. Most sandstone is composed of quartz and/or feldspar because these are the most common minerals in the Earth's crust. Like sand, sandstone has a granular texture and may be found in almost any color, but the most common colors are tan, brown, yellow, red, gray, pink, and white. Since sandstone beds often form highly visible cliffs and other topographic features, certain colors of sandstone have been strongly identified with certain regions.

outdoor sandstone floor before cleaning

Sandstone tiles vary in porosity and hardness however they are soft and porous on the other hand. Since sandstone tiles can absorb water very fast, it is important to follow proper sandstone tile cleaning methods in every opportunity to ensure proper maintenance.

sandstone outdoor pool

Where can you use Sandstone?

Sandstone tiles are stunningly stylish and long-lasting building product and can be both functional and aesthetically striking. The durability and attraction of Sandstone as a natural stone is just unmatchable. Sandstone is one of the strongest natural stone tiles available and is a beautiful building material for both flooring and walls, whether indoors or outdoors. Sandstone is very popular choice as pavers and swimming pool surrounds. Sandstone tiles create a natural look for any area as no two tiles are similar. Sandstone tiles ensure a unique and exciting look for your entire home along with being enduring for several generations.

sandstone beige sawn sandblasted

We provide specialised cleaning & sealing solutions for Sandstone Stone Pavers.

To schedule your appointment or to obtain a free estimate, please Call 1300 771 201 or use our online enquiry form.

We cover all suburbs

Common Surface Finishes for Sandstone

Honed : The surface of the tile is sanded to create a matte finish
Tumbled: Sandstone is tumbled with gravel and bearings, giving it a rough, aged appearance
Brushed: A wire brush is used to give the surface of the sandstone tile a worn, textured surface
Filled: The pores in the Sandstone are filled with colored resin or cement to produce a solid surface
Polished: The Sandstone is sanded and polished, producing a shiny look

sandstone tile outdoor

Cleaning Sandstone Stone Pavers

Different cleaning and maintenance instructions and methods should be used on Sandstone depending on its finish and wether it's sealed or left in its natural state. In General, Sandstone pavers should be cleaned and maintained with non acidic products, and it is recommended to get them professionally cleaned every few years to help make them last longer and bring up the fresh look after the tiles start to look tired daily use.

sandstone tile sample new

We provide specialised cleaning & sealing solutions for stone tiles, including Sandstone stone floor & wall tiles

To schedule your appointment or to obtain a free estimate, please Call 1300 771 201 or use our online enquiry form.

We cover all suburbs

Sandstone can be left in its natural state, with no polishing. Etched by acids. Porous with many visible holes, often filled with epoxy. Polishing unfilled sandstone can be tricky. Polishing powders tend to accumulate in the holes and can make clean-up difficult. Because it is soft and has epoxy-filled holes, it should never be cleaned at pressures above 800 PSI and then only if the grout is in good condition.

dirty lines between sandstone tiles around pool before cleaning

Sealants are layer forming treatments that produce a shiny (or natural) protective film on the surface. This sealer must be stripped and re applied from time to time. Different sealants are recommended for indoors than outdoors, and sealants cant vary in type, lifetime (durability), stain protective properties, and slipp resisting properties.

Sandstone, like other calcareous stones, is referred to as acid sensitive. Calcareous stones are readily dissolved in acid, therefore acidic products should not be used on Sandstone tiles.

We provide specialised cleaning & sealing solutions for Sandstone Stone Pavers.

To schedule your appointment or to obtain a free estimate, please Call 1300 771 201 or use our online enquiry form.

We cover all suburbs

Stripping Sandstone Tiles

As Sandstone tiles can be sealed, this sealer may need to be removed and re-applied after it starts to wear off, this usually depends on type of sealer used, method used to apply it and the amount of traffic or use. This process is called stripping and sealing, and is usually required every 2-10 years depending on type of sealer, area used (indoor or outdoor), and amount of traffic or use.

sandstone paving outdoor light

Our Services

Tile Cleaners Pty Ltd offers cleaning, sealing, and stripping and sealing servies for all residential and commercial properties. Our team is well trained, experienced and equiped with the latest equipment and wide range of quality products.

Client Range

We clean and restore a
huge range of tiles and surfaces in all locations including:
Kitchen, Balcony, Bathroom, Shower, Swimming pool, Pool pavers, Restaurant, Café, Bar, Home, School, Clinic, Hospital, Companie, Office

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1300 771 201
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