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I was about to sell my house, but was not happy with the tiles in the dining area. The tiles were white and shiny but the grout looked really dark and dirty. I already had a potential client; however the dark grout ruined the beauty of the room. I didn't have much time to fix the grout and decided to call Tile Cleaners as my real estate agency mentioned them. As my real estate agent said, Tile cleaners responded really quickly. They also pointed out that some of the grout was coming off in the hallway when they were there, which I had not even noticed. Thank you for fixing my problem so quickly. The house is sold now and I left your details with the new owner so they can keep the tiles in good condition.

Anna Rodwell, Tingalpa, QLD

Thank you Tile Cleaners ® for dealing with the solvent sealer I had and resealing my hallway; I know it's a pain but you did a great job. I will definitely call you again as I need help with my tiles in the office.

Paul Gold, Gold Coast, QLD

I just got new tiles laid in my house that were very expensive. I needed to get them sealed but couldn't afford to pay much for it. On the other hand I didn't want to go for a company offering cheap and unreliably services. My boss recommended Tile Cleaners, saying that the company's prices were reasonable and that they offered quality service when he used them. I contacted them and ended up doing a booking with them. It is very pleasant to know that there are companies out there who actually care about providing very high quality services for affordable prices. I gave your contacts to my sister. Thank you for the job you did

Robert Williams, Norman Park, QLD

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Tile Cleaning Pump

Sealing Granite Tiles Leopold - Geelong

We provide specialised sealing solutions for Granite flooring in residential and commercial properties

Our technicians have years of experience in sealing granite with our advanced machinery and quality products

To schedule your appointment or to obtain a free estimate, call 1300 771 201 or use the online enquiry form at the top of the page

Leopold granite polished tile absolute black

The beautiful natural creation that is granite is unlike any other rock found, it's individuality luring in home-owners and businesses alike. Because no two granite slabs are the same, no two have the same absorbent qualities and will need to be sealed professionally to prevent damage and staining. Tile Cleaners® are the Geelong/Leopold's leaders in stone sealing, maintenance and restoration. For your granite to remain in pristine condition for years to come you will need to have it sealed with a quality sealer.

The cost of granite is higher than other stone used for home and business installations and for good reason, it makes sense to look after it properly.

polished granite countertops Leopold

What is Granite?

Granite is essentially molten lava that never rose above the surface of the earth. Granite is a very hard natural stone denser than marble. A geologist will tell you that it is an igneou